YASSSS https://vine.co/v/OKMFbvnhxEq
RT @MichaelSkolnik: In 2013 STL cop stops man for "pedestrian check." Thinks he has gun "feared for his safety" shot him. He was unarmed. h…
You should be following @ShaunKing.
RT @Dreamdefenders: In 28 hours, another Black person will be killed by the police... Think about that.
Today in #acab: #16times.
In reply to:@adamhertz That too.
RT @AdamHertz: @veganstraightedge more like this: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/police-pepper-spray-teen-home
In reply to:@s5 That would prolly be @_caroljadams, the original author.
RT @haleykjude: OMG, this @kickstarter project that I made the video for already raised half their goal in 1 day!! GO @crimethinc !! https:…
In reply to:This culture rapes, brutalizes, cuts up and kills animals.
This culture does the same things to women.
In reply to:“The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory explores a relationship between patriarchal values and meat eating.”
In reply to:Her quote of Weev warning all women in tech will be “squealing like a stuck pig” is another reason to read this book
You should Kathy Sierra's “Trouble at the Koolaid Point” before she takes it back down.
In reply to:Even if that kid was smoking marijuana like the cop claims, this is terrible police brutality. #acab