I would pay for a Mac version of @OvercastFM too.
Him: “Who are you? How’d you get in here?”
Me: “I’m Trouble. You invited me.”
In reply to:@adelcambre #ptsd
In reply to:@jlsuttles I would never.
Unfollow like no one's watching.
Because they're not.
No one cares who you follow.RT @CreepyBoo_: Hello I'm Kylo, big fan. https://t.co/woAZZKTGBO
In reply to:@judsonlester URL me?
♫ This is my jam:
“On My Mind”
/by @elliegoulding
In reply to:Now:
*install brew*
brew install ruby-install
ruby-install ruby 2.2.3
brew install chruby
chruby 2.2.3Remember how much of a hassle MacPorts was and how great Homebrew is?
Remember installing Ruby before RVM, rbenv, ruby-install, etc?
It's cute how iTunes can't be open while Xcode is installing. Because computers.
I really do love TextMate (and its ongoing v2 progress), but that @macromates website is like a time capsule.
In reply to:@sarahmei Agreed.
Inconsolata-dz is still my code, Terminal and all things mono-width font.
In reply to:@jlsuttles The Carlton.