Star Wars Retold By Someone Who Never Saw Star Wars (via @Bobsuicide)
I miss summer
Posted by Shane Becker on
<iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <p>When I think of how hardcore was when I was coming up as a kid in high school and college, I think of <a href="" title="By The Grace Of God - Louisville Punk/Hardcore History">By The Grace Of God</a>. Political and emotional. Powerful and passionate. <a href="" title="Rob Pennington - Louisville Punk/Hardcore History">Rob</a> and <a href="" title="Duncan Barlow - Louisville Punk/Hardcore History">Duncan</a> were always so welcoming to the new or otherwise uncool kids, always there to stick up for the bullied.</p> <p>I interviewed Rob and Duncan for my zine a couple times. Rob put me and my then girlfriend up at his house during Krazy Fest when no one else (even my Atlanta friends that I went with) would help me out.</p> <p>I haven't seen either of them in years, a situation I hope to remedy this summer on my epic road trip.</p> <p>Rob/Duncan, if you see this, <a href="">drop me a line</a> and let's get lunch.</p>
In reply to:@jbarnette Double Touché.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p><a href="" title="Day 17 by veganstraightedge, on Flickr"><img src="" alt="Day 17"></a></p>