1. <dl>
      <dt><a href="http://news.com.com/Copyright-sharing+group+delves+into+science/2100-1025_3-5447531.html?part=rss&amp;tag=5447531&amp;subj=news.1025.5">creative commons</a></dt>
      <dd>gets into science licensing stuff</dd>
      <dt><a href="http://developer.apple.com/macosx/tiger/">apple's developer site for tiger</a></dt>
      <dd>mainly PR type stuff now. getting a little tech.</dd>
      <dt><a href="http://developer.apple.com/macosx/tiger/spotlight.html">spotlight</a></dt>
      <dd>how spotlight works behind the scenes</dd>
      <dt><a href="http://news.com.com/Apple+details+plans+to+Spotlight+desktop+search/2100-1016_3-5447469.html?part=rss&amp;tag=5447469&amp;subj=news.1016.5">c|net news</a></dt>
      <dd>Apple details plans to Spotlight desktop search</dd>
      <dt><a href="http://wiki.blojsom.com/wiki/display/blojsom/About+blojsom">os x server tiger blog software</a></dt>
      <dd>a java version inspired by <a href="http://www.blosxom.com/">blosxom</a>


      <dt><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/phposxom/">PHPosxom</a></dt>
      <dd>PHP version also inspired by <a href="http://www.blosxom.com/">blosxom</a> which is PERL</dd>
      <dt> <a href="http://www.keyhole.com">keyhole</a>/</dt>
      <dd>google owns this now. i wish they'd port it to the mac. it looks sweet.</dd>
    <p>imagine cranking a film projector for two hours to watch napolean dynamite or the motorcycle diaries. now imagine doing it with just your thumb and no breaks. slacker. </p>
    <p>watch this: <a href="http://ev.engadget.com/sw.mov">http://ev.engadget.com/sw.mov</a></p>
    <p><a href="http://apple.slashdot.org/apple/04/11/11/185246.shtml?tid=133&amp;tid=176">via /.</a></p>
    <p>clever hack, though.</p>
      for those people who were/are disappointed that i didn't go to bloggercon myself, you're in luck. ITconversations is building an <a href="http://www.itconversations.com/series/bloggercon2004.html">archive</a> of all the bloggercon sessions in mp3 / AAC format for our ipodding pleasure.
      btw, the rss feed for this with AAC enclosures is:<br>
      <a href="http://www.itconversations.com/rss/category-rss.php?k=bloggercon2004&amp;e=2">http://www.itconversations.com/rss/category-rss.php?k=bloggercon2004&amp;e=2</a>
      mp3 users subscribe to this one:<br>
      <a href="http://www.itconversations.com/rss/category-rss.php?k=bloggercon2004&amp;e=1">http://www.itconversations.com/rss/category-rss.php?k=bloggercon2004&amp;e=1</a>
    <p>this is really good news. i like the idea of gmail. but i need to use a POP3 client. a la <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/mail/">Apple Mail</a>. so now, it looks like the proverbial cake and eating. i wonder how they'll handle <a href="http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=6603&amp;topic=-1">feeding you ads</a> on new mail or if they even will. if they don't how is this gonna affect the business model for 'free' email supported by inline ads?</p>
      <p><a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/AnilDash?m=94">gmail goes pop</a>: Well, one more barrier to me using gmail just fell away... they've added free POP support to their mail service. I still don't use gmail, but they're making it harder and harder to resist. (Via <a href="http://www.dashes.com/anil/">anil dash in atom</a>.)</p>
    <p>so once this is rolled out completely, maybe i'll actually use <a href="mailto:veganstraightedge@gmail.com">my gmail</a> account more. here's their online support for setting it up on the <a href="http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=13273">gmail end</a> and <a href="http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=12103">your end</a>. at the moment, no <a href="http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=10339">IMAP support</a>, though.</p>
    <p>still hands down, the best web based mail available. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMHO">IMHO</a>.</p>