No new attention has been paid to the logotype. Ignore that for now.
Iterations of Rounded C Knockout
Based on suggestions from the #IndieWebCamp IRC channel, I worked on rounding off the knockout in the C.
Original version with rectangle and square corners knockout
Iteration with rectangle and rounded corners knockout
Iteration with pill shape knockout
Iteration with taller pill shape knockout
Iteration with longer pill shape knockout
I felt like this read more like a C. It’s pretty fun, kind of looks like a racecar drive / astronaut helmet. And it’s pretty evenly balanced within itself and within the whole logomark. So at this point, I made the one color and three color versions.
Tennis ball iterations
Tennis ball iterations
Tennis ball iterations
But after a while, it started feeling like a tennis ball. I got some more feedback from the #IndieWebCamp IRC channel which led me down the path of using just a single cut for the knock out.
Iterations of Thin C Knockout
Here are four slightly different variations of the same idea. Rounded vs square. Half vs three quarters width.
Iterations with single cut knockout
Iterations with single cut knockout
Iterations with single cut knockout
Iterations with single cut knockout
The third one resonated best with the group. I like it too. So, I made the outlines and three color version as well.
Final IndieWebCamp Logomark Redesign With Thin C Knockout
Final (?) proposed IndieWebCamp logomark redesign
Final (?) proposed IndieWebCamp logomark redesign
Final (?) proposed IndieWebCamp logomark redesign
If these versions are well accepted by the group, the next step is really nail down the logotype. Which is currently fine, but not that great.
Thanks! I was really happy with that too. It was one of my goals to make both keep the regular polygon geometricness while also making the forms read more like their respective letters. The W was a great success, I think. It no longer looks like a V, but still has that great triangle to it (twice even!).
Andi again:
“Indie” vs “Web”
@veganstraightedge Also, I think the word “Indie” should be emphasized instead of “web”.
I respectfully disagree. Lots of things are quoteunquote indie that we as the Indie Web don’t have much in common with.
#indieauth (while also the name of our authentication startegy) is about book self-publishers. #indiebeer is beer makers. Indie Rock is just an aesthetic, having nothing to do with an ethos anymore (if it ever did). #indiegame is video games (mostly published to very closed platforms) built by one or a few people. is a slight twist on venture capital investment. Not to mention whatever that mess is over at which is emphatically not indieweb.
I believe that the communities and ethos that we (the Indie Web) have the most in common with are other web communites. Bloggers, open web, web standards. Folks like that who are most of the way there already. Getting a blogger to be indieweb is a matter adding rel-me to some links and owning a domain (not a sub-domain). That’s a pretty low barrier to entry. Whereas getting any kind of affinity with, say, an indie rock band or an indie game developer is a bigger hurdle to clear.
For our purposes, all of the indie in the world doesn’t matter without the web.
On a thinner I
@veganstraightedge would you consider making the “i” thinner? IMO, It’s a bit too wide.
Again, respectfully, no. I understand the logics of making it thinner to make it more like an I. But the trade-offs that come with that direction aren’t worth it to me.
Those trade-offs, as I see them are:
The overall weight and balance of the logomark is shifted to the right and thrown off. Especially with that triangle in the middle that acts as a center point fulcrum. The whole thing tips to right now because the C’s circle is heavier than the I’s skinny (non-square) rectangle. (To be clear, I mean visually/optically, not just geometrically/matematically.)
If “indie” is the most important part that should get the focus (which I disagree with, see above), then by making the I thinner that makes it (and its corresponding word) less important.
Also, by making the I thinner, the word “indie” in the logotype gets even less aligned with the I which pushes the word “web” farther away from the W as well.
Finally, making the I thinner loses the squareness of it. I think the simplicity of [square, equilateral, circle] is really great. I tried to keep that in tact in my redesign.
My feedback on Andi’s Redesign
I remembered that someone had posted in the #IndieWebCamp IRC channel a logo redesign/refinement some months ago. Tantek reminded me that it was Andi Galpern.
For comparison, I’ve included the current IndieWebCamp logo.
I also took a stab at redesigning the @indiewebcamp logo.
I’ve included the image here. (The image is a little bit JPEGy because of Twitter’s heavy image compression. If I get a higher quality copy from Andi, I’ll replace this one.)
I think Andi’s is definitely an improvement of Crystal’s original, but it doesn’t go far enough.
The Good
Here are the things I like about Andi’s:
The flat color are better than the grandient. I did a similar thing with mine.
The lowered white lines / dots gives better balance and makes the I and C read a little bit more like an I and C.
The logotype is better typeset in a better typeface. (I love Futura, just not at this weight.)
The spacing between the I and W and the W and C are more even.
The Bad
The logotype is just a smidge wider than the logomark. Which could be tweaked and fixed if it was the only thing.
The white lines / dots, while lowered are at vertical center. The close but no cigar looks like sloppy clarity of intent. Are these just eye-balled or measured? Again, this is just a little thing that could be tweaked and fixed if it was the only thing too.
Like with the original, I think the black logotype with color logomark gives the wrong visual hierarchy. If you squint and blur the whole logo, it’s the black logotype that dominates, not the color logomark. I think that’s the opposite of what should happen.
The visual balance is thrown off to the right by making the I a tall thin rectangle insteadof a square. (Like I said above), the center point of the bottom of the triangle acts as a kind of visual fulcrum. The original is carefully balanced on that fulcrum. This one is tipped to the right.
Also, by making the I tall and skinny instead of a square, the words “indie” and “web” are no longer aligned well with their letters.
While I understand the intent of Crystal’s original logo, I’ve never thought that the square, triangle and circle read as I, W and C very much. Only if I thought about it and kind hand-waved could I see them as letters. By making the I a tally skinny rectangle, the I looks more like an I. But in the process, it makes the W and C look even less like a W and C. The I, W and C are one part letter and two parts shapes.
My Proposed Redesigned IndieWebCamp Logo
Holding my own logo redesign up to the same criteria, here’s how I think I did (obvious bias):
I kept the geometriciness of the shapes while also improving the letteriness of the I, W and C.
Admittedly, the C is the least strong of the three. Removing that block from the knockout of the C turns it into a weird unpleasant shape and throws of the balance of the whole thing. Use a circle knockout turned it into a cresent moon. So, this was the compromise that I was most happy with.
The overall weight and balance of the logo is good and even, with or without the logotype.
It works well in black outlines, solid black or three color.
The word “web” is centered up underneath the W and the words “indie” and “camp” fall out evenly in both directions.
All of the shapes, sizes and distances were measured and used for a reason. None were eye-balled. (Again, those are little things could be improved easily in Andi’s redesign.)
Given all of that, and my obvious bias, I stand behind my logo redesign and would ask the IndieWebCamp community to approve and adopt it (using it on the wiki, at events, for stickers, tshirts, badges, banners, buttons, etc).
I’ve been a part of the #indieweb community for several years now. I attended the very first IndieWebCamp in Portland in 2011. I’ve always loved a lot about this community — its ideas and ideals, its technology and approach to new technology, its events and structure. Like anything, its not without flaws. Socially, technologically, structurarlly.
One little thing about IndieWebCamp that has always bothered me a little is the branding in general and the logo in particular. And given my experience and ability, I felt like this was something that I could take a stab at improving it.
Current* IndieWebCamp Logo
* — as of publishing this article, 2016–02–02
Current* IndieWebCamp (logomark and logotype
What I like about this logo:
the simplicity of it
the silhouette of the logomark forms
the colorway
What I don’t like this logo:
the white lines with dots (too 80s “tech” looking)
the gradient
that the forms don’t read as their respective letters (I, W, C)
the spacing between I & W and W & C isn’t consistent
the logotype (weight, spacing, position, visual hierarchy, all of it)
Dropping the logotype really improves the visual hierarchy of it.
Current* IndieWebCamp (logomark and NO logotype)
In the on my phone, I sketched a couple ideas with my finger.
My goals were:
to make the logomark read more like its letters (I, W, C)
Pen sketch on paper (square I base and C with circle and square knockouts)
The silhouette of the current IndieWebCamp logo is pretty good by itself. I would use this as a point of reference as I worked through different iterations.
Current IndieWebCamp silhouette of regular polygons
New IndieWebCamp Logo Iterations
The I with square base and dot made of two squares. C made of two circles.
I didn’t like the I or the C. The I’s split dot just doesn’t work and the C looks like an olive or a cresent moon or a Death Star.
The I overlaid on a Golden Rectangle
I overlaid the sketch on a Golden Rectangle to try to use it as a proportion guide.
The I scaled to Golden Rectangle proportion
I tried making the I’s square base the square of a Golden Rectangle and the overall I height commensurate to that square. I scaled up the C and stretched up the W. I also allowed both triangles of the W to be visible.
Current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette overlaid on new sketch
I had lost the regular polygons of the current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette. So, I overlaid to head back that direction.
Re-scaled to current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette’s size
I scaled the IWC mark to match the current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette. Then used a rectangle instead of a circle to make the C’s knockout. The W also went back to opaque triangles.
Removed current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette
I removed current IndieWebCamp logo’s silhouette.
Horizontal Golden Rectangles in I anc C
I rotated the Golden Rectangle 90° and used it to size the base of the I and the size of the C’s knockout.
Removed Golden Rectangle guides
Then I removed the Golden Rectangles.
Guides for adjusting spacing
At this point I was pretty happy with the direction the shapes of the marks, so I shifted to the spacing between them. I used the amount of the Golden Rectangle in the C that was overhanging the outer edge (while the rectangle was aligned with the center of the C’s circle) as the unit of distance between each mark.
Solid one color version
I made the marks solid black and thickened the separation lines in the W and the C.
Three color version
Finally, I got to where I could add some color. I chose three colors from the current IndieWebCamp logo. The left most pixel color in the I, the middle pixel of the W and the right most pixel of the C.
At this point, I felt pretty happy with the three versions (outlines, black, three color). I posted up a little preview.
Transparent Rectangle Golden in C
After letting it marinate in my brain for a bit, I came back to it and decided that the C wasn’t working as a C. It read too much like a G. @snarfed mentioned this too.
Golden Rectangle masked by C’s circle
I cut the edge of the Golden Rectangle that was hanging outside of the C’s circle. Which I like a lot better and it read as a C a lot more.
Solid one color version
I applied the solid black and thick separators again.
Three color version
I then added the colors back in. And now, I was really liking it.
Outlines with logotype
I added the word (hashtag) “#indiewebcamp” in Helvetica Neue Thin and Light. The versions I tried with lowercase, separate words and not as a hashtag all felt imbalanced. The three words are different character lengths and physcial sizes. The space between the words was either not the same or “web” wasn’t under the W. I made “web” the boldest to increase reability and because none of what we’re trying to do with IndieWebCamp is possible without the web itself.
One color with logotype
I had to thicken the logotype up a little bit for the solid one color version.
Three color version with logotype
Here’s the three color version with the same logotype as the one color version. The balance and weight is good, but I don’t love the combination of black logotype with three color logomark.
Thicker lines outline version
I then realized that if I thickened the lines of the outline version, I could use the same logotype as the other versions.
One color with thicker logotype
I then bumped up the weight of the logotype on the one color version as well.
Color logomark with logotype
I added color to the logotype too. But I didn’t like the I and “#indie” being yellow. They lacked the weight and their importance deserves. Especially given that indie is the whole point of this.
Changed color order
So, I flipped the colors of the I/#indie and C/camp. Which I think works a lot better.
Before and After Comparisons
Current and New IndieWebCamp logo comparison
Here’s the current logomark (above) and my proposed new logomark (below).
Current and New IndieWebCamp logo comparison
Here’s the current logomark and logotype (above) and my proposed new logomark and logotype (below).
Proposed New IndieWebCamp Logo
I am proposing that we retire the current IndieWebCamp logo and use this new logo instead. Below are the outline, one color and full color versions.
If accepted and adopted by the community, I would do a full work up and style guide about when (and how) to use each version. Additionally, I’d create horizontal versions and explore a square/circle version usable for avatar and icons.
Marco wrote about the movies that he hasn’t seen in the past 15 years. Which got me thinking about how many of them that I’d seen. (Thanks to Marco for compiling the list and posting about.) Here’s my list.
Key:Seen it (172), Haven’t seen it (69)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
What Women Want
Meet the Parents
Erin Brockovich
Mission: Impossible II
Cast Away
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Perfect Storm
What Lies Beneath
A Beautiful Mind
Monsters, Inc.
Ocean’s Eleven
Gosford Park
In the Bedroom
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Pearl Harbor
The Mummy Returns
Jurassic Park III
Planet of the Apes
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Men in Black II
Die Another Day
Minority Report
Gangs of New York
The Hours
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Pianist
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Ice Age
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Finding Nemo
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Lost in Translation
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mystic River
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Bruce Almighty
The Last Samurai
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Bad Boys II
The Incredibles
Ocean’s Twelve
Million Dollar Baby
The Aviator
Finding Neverland
Shrek 2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Spider-Man 2
The Passion of the Christ
The Day After Tomorrow
Meet the Fockers
Shark Tale
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night, and Good Luck
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
War of the Worlds
King Kong
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Batman Begins
Little Miss Sunshine
Casino Royale
The Departed
Letters from Iwo Jima
The Queen
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
The Da Vinci Code
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Night at the Museum
X-Men: The Last Stand
Mission: Impossible III
Superman Returns
Happy Feet
No Country for Old Men
I Am Legend
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Spider-Man 3
Shrek the Third
The Simpsons Movie
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
The Dark Knight
Quantum of Solace
Slumdog Millionaire
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
In 2009 I left Seattle for another go at The Great American Roadtrip for what would turn out to be 6 months. When I was in Salt Lake City, I threw together a last minute show to see four of my friends’ bands. The venue was my minivan, a 1993 GMC Safari. Actually, in the van, both bands and audience. The lineup was:
The Mooks
James Miska
Fuck, Yes!!!!
Bombs and Beating Hearts
It’s maybe the punkest DIYest thing I’ve ever done.