Last week the bank put my (in person, cash) deposit into the account of the previous customer. Fortunately, I caught it and got it fixed.
Negative/Positive Typography : (via @SamiNummi)
And now to resume normal publishing... Motoi Yamamoto Salt Installations (piles of salt made pretty in houses and stuff)
To all the new followers this past week, thank you for following my story. To old followers, thank you for sticking around while I focused.
Consumerist story about REI's statement about me. REI still hasn't told me this directly.
The Stranger Cover for the Week of May 14-20, 2009. Vol. 18, No. 35.
REI Boilerplate Response to the May 8th ATM/Loomis/Arrest Incident :
In reply to:@Sassmo mentioning my incident is waaay cooler than being on the local news. (Sorry, KOMO. You're no @icanhaz.)
How Stuff Works video of the inner workings of an ATM
In reply to:@scerruti The pixelated face is not a Loomis employee, but Seattle Police officer Abed : (original unedited photo)
In reply to:@stefanpenner REI has said they weren't involved and did nothing, but I think they were complicit in the whole incident.
In reply to:@stefanpenner I'm not in any hurry to race back to REI. I still feel wronged by them and they haven't made any effort to contact me.
Video from last night's KOMO 4 news report. Watch in your browser or direct .mp4 download .
If anyone can find the video from the KOMO 4 news tonight about the REI/ATM/Loomis incident, I'd love a copy of it or a url.
REI ATM / Loomis / Seattle Police Incident: The Cliff Notes :