1. My photo that is at the center of this REI/ATM/Loomis spectacle is on the cover of The Stranger this week in Seattle http://flic.kr/p/6nRuKP

    I'm done with the radio interview. I think it went pretty well. Fumbled once. Was gonna live tweet but wifi/edge didn't work in the studio.

    I managed to lock my keys on my van. With it running. 4 lock smiths all say "20 minutes". I'll me a little late to the radio interview.

    I AM going on the Dori Monson show. Noon Pacific time. Call in (888.973.5476). Listen http://bit.ly/9X5GV or http://bit.ly/CkW4f or 97.3FM

    I can't decide if I should do the radio show. Dori Monson is very Rush Limbaughian. http://bit.ly/pmbgX (& he uses lots of ... on his blog).