1. Seattle-ites, KOMO 4 news starts momentarily with my interview about the ATM/REI/Loomis incident. I hope it turns out well. I'll post a link

    I'm going to be on KOMO 4 news tonight about the REI/ATM/Loomis incident. http://www.komonews.com I will post a url when it's on the site.

    This is me getting arrested by Officer Abed at REI for taking a photo and refusing to show my ID : http://flic.kr/p/6o8XKm by Mark Sangerman

    Today I got an email from a Life Member of the NRA who said "They were completely wrong and you were completely right". Didn't expect that.

    In case you were unsure if I'm a douche bag, Joel Rosenberg explains in great length why I am. http://bit.ly/5FUon Great length. Srsly.