Here is the KOMO News (very breif) news article about the REI/ATM/Loomis incident.
Seattle-ites, KOMO 4 news starts momentarily with my interview about the ATM/REI/Loomis incident. I hope it turns out well. I'll post a link
In reply to:@sarabethxvx I feel like the interview went well, but you never know until the final edit. It's on at 11pm on KOMO 4, then online afterward.
Who's got two thumbs and twitters during the middle of a TV interview?
I'm doing the interview right now.
On the way to KOMO 4 to tape an interview about REI/ATM/Loomis incident
I'm going to be on KOMO 4 news tonight about the REI/ATM/Loomis incident. I will post a url when it's on the site.
This is me getting arrested by Officer Abed at REI for taking a photo and refusing to show my ID : by Mark Sangerman
I may or may not be on TV news today about the ATM/REI/Loomis incident.
It's some kind of awesome that media outlets can get a (albeit partially redacted) police report about me, but I still can't.
Two different copies, differntly redacted (and faxed) of the police report about the ATM/REI/Loomis incident
Video of an ATM being refilled/emptied
Today I got an email from a Life Member of the NRA who said "They were completely wrong and you were completely right". Didn't expect that.
In case you were unsure if I'm a douche bag, Joel Rosenberg explains in great length why I am. Great length. Srsly.
The Stranger article
about REI/ATM/Loomis incident.