@gesa So… you get to blame MongoDB for Obama's endless war? 😉
In reply to:In reply to:
@j05h Sorry.
Remember MongoDB?
This bridge is on fire.
#Dream: Giant winter storm is rolling in. We're dismissed from high early. Gun fight breaks out over last remaining food snacks at C-Store.
Uber pool would be a lot cooler if it was about swimming pools instead of car pools.
In reply to:@seanbonner dude just keeps digging in deeper.
Remember this ridiculously amazing sandwich (with a 45 minute line) that I had at @VeganBeerFest last year?
@nicadler Follow for DM please?
@officialtatw Hey Tilly!
Want to play some west coast this summer with a punk rock glee club from Chicago?
In reply to:@ashedryden Not it!
I have too many projects already.
“Cherish” by @Madonna is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_9o8z5wh
In reply to:@ashedryden Maybe it should exist but just as curated collection of posts from individuals' sites. So one doesn't always have to spitewrite.
In reply to:@carriepotter_ I once asked someone “how do you feel about the impending collapse of industrial civilization?”.
And she said “I'm for it”.
RT @CarriePotter_: HOW TO FLIRT:
1) make eye contact
2) smile + approach
3) whisper to him: "the fall of capitalism will be swift & w/o mer…