@ashedryden Spite Writing™ is one of the best writings, right?
In reply to:In reply to:
@ashedryden but I'd like to read it!
In reply to:@ashedryden I'm prolly not well equipped to write that.
RT @thelittleidiot: It is ironic or karmic that Los Angeles is in the middle of a drought but it will probably rain on the day of the Acade…
In reply to:But unfortunately, they're the ones who hold the keys to castle where my problem needs to be fixed. :(
The problem with being smarter than the phone tech support person is that you're smarter than the phone tech support person. :(
Five dogs just ganged up on #rooftopthecat in my backyard and she showed who’s boss.
And I laid into their person for no leashes.
“Violence solves everything and don’t wind my fist up like Popeye.”
“God *only* does weird baby stuff.”
A banana, pear and two cherimoyas. Guarded by a #rooftopthecat. @ The Farmhouse http://instagram.com/p/zS0J7QMnpV/
“It’s a UNIX system.
I know this.”THE GAME!
PS. I love the voice of Clicky™
/via @waxy
“You whispered that I was a better person than you. I disagreed then, don't anymore.” ♫
RT @sarahjanet: The fact that @BigBird is the only person on Twitter who can see @MrSnuffleupagus is maybe the best use of Twitter I’ve eve…
RT @monteiro: No one comes to a website for the design. Just like no one goes to the theater for the seating. But your ass enjoys a good se…
ZOMIGOD. The new Thor is so fucking good. Get into it.