Do I know anyone in Dublin, .IE or anyone that will be in Dublin, .IE on March 27-29?
In reply to:
@somanyhs Yes. Yes, it is.
Can someone write a bash script to replace `/usr/local/share/chruby/` with that reads my Gemfile for ruby version instead?Cherry yogurt is not my jam.
Blech.In reply to:@joshsusser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In reply to:@gesa Math is hard.
Let’s go shopping.What percentage of the apps that we use were designed by someone not wearing pants at the time?
Asking for a friend.
RT @mrgan: I just learned that Facebook doesn't support animated GIFs. How is anyone using this website at all.
Color Blender
/by @meyerweb
I made a feature request for @SluglineApp and it made it into the latest release. Thanks @5tu and @clinttorres!
In reply to:@hellodukesy @brianmario In Communist Russia, pets own you.
In reply to:@gregbennick That's adorable that you're only just now at < 666.
I'm at 36k+. 😳
In reply to:@sailorhg Were you like:
1. Don’t do that.
2. I'm from Mercury.I used to be able to see a lot more sunset from my house, but then Progress™ got in the way. @ The…
In reply to:@mitchellh The power of *Southern* California. 😉