It's the end of January and I'm still picking avocados like this in my backyard. (Cutie for scale.) @…
The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel. @ The Farmhouse
@ashedryden follow for DM please
In reply to:@ashedryden @gesa How big a cooler do you need?
In reply to:@ashedryden I have several unused coolers in LA. 😐
Sometimes you have to burn down some factories to make a scrambler.
Ivy has grown into my house through the window frame.
Gaia wins again. @ The Farmhouse
In reply to:In other words, “light the fuse and run".
“When this crimethinc shirt becomes unwearable, turn it into a fuse in a Molotov cocktail.” @ The…
In reply to:@SaltineJustine I'm an omnivore. But I also don't eat any animals products. 😝
In reply to:@saltinejustine @evanphx Woof.
"a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat" isn't.
This is basically @ullconf, right?
This is what the fox say.
Red pandas love grapes and apples. I love red pandas.
Synchronized dolphin swimming.