RT @CaliLov3_: Wearing an "I am Darren Wilson" bracelet is a threat to commit murder
Days like today are how people stress eat themselves to obese.
In reply to:@mitchellh đź‘Ť
In reply to:@sarahmei Donuts. Bring donuts.
@FiveThirtyEight Is the Grace Hopper short only available as Flash video?
Somedays are *very* frustrating.
@alexvollmer Beep beep. Follow for a DM?
In reply to:@drbrain Exactly!
The only flag worth flying is an all black one. The rest are only good for burning.
“Syriza Can’t Save Greece —
Why There’s No Electoral Exit from the Crisis”http://crimethinc.com/texts/r/syriza
/by @crimethinc
In reply to:Industrial civilization is just the most recent, most egregious flavor of civilization. Then oil magnified industrial civilization’s reach.
In reply to:Humans lived in a way that was sustainable with the rest of the natural world for hundreds of thousands of years (millions for homo-*).
The problem isn't “humans” / “humanity”.
The problem is (and has been for ~10,000 years) “civilized humans” / “civilization”.
RT @flashboy: never clicking on a proper bloomberg link again, 404 page is too good http://www.bloomberg.com/404
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper