Happy thanksgiving! 🌞🌴 http://instagram.com/p/v6uhwHsnja/
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@mollycrabapple meet @KennyORiches and Cara Despain. Artist friends of mine that you'd like. They live in the Little Haiti part of Miami.
RT @LAScanner: Sleep tight, Angelenos. Even you, the most unoriginal, derivative protesters ever.
RT @coketweet: Extra gravy on my cognitive dissonance, please!
RT @d_seaman: I don't remember the last time an unarmed black teen made me feel unsafe or in danger. I do remember the last time a cop made…
RT @neiltyson: The greatest examples of human control over Evolution are found in Agriculture and in #TheDogShow.
RT @chaifong9: For sale: every 8-bit Nintendo game - mostlysignssomeportents: Shane writes, “@n8duke is selling his... http://t.co/6QAQ87UB…
RT @visuals0und: Buy @n8duke's #NES collection for $25,000 - 800+ games etc - worth a look >> http://n8duke.com/nintendo/ http://t.co/L0lY8NnMqB
RT @Daily_Read: @n8duke is selling his complete collection of every 8-bit Nintendo game (and some other NES things)..(Read...) http://t.co/…
RT @damianvila: Wow! Look at this massive NES collection for sale by @n8duke http://n8duke.com/nintendo/ #nintendo #8bit
RT @opajdara: For sale: every 8-bit Nintendo game
@n8duke is selling his complete collection of every 8-bit Nintendo game (and... http://t…
RT @ioerror: A Thanksgiving Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLSveRGmpIE
In reply to:@notjosh oh yeah. Super closed. 😭
RT @A_single_bear: I asked Rob (the squirrel) what he was thankful for and he said, "You." As I smiled, he said, "She has such lovely wool.…
In reply to:@notjosh still very open.