@tornadoliese Pairs nicely with LAPD dispatch.
@tornadoliese Pairs nicely with LAPD dispatch.
RT @tornadoliese: LA #ferguson protest live stream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bryanhayes-streaming
RT @KTVU: DEVELOPING: Fire at #Ferguson protest near 38th and Telegraph #Oakland http://t.co/9eq1DIjBms
RT @tonx: LAPD police scanner audio for following the protests in Los Angeles http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/17145/web #ferguson #LosAngeles
Black Friday is a few days away.
The timing of things is so unpredictable but so important sometimes.
If family holiday conversations weren't awkward enough, this year is gonna be a helluva thing.
RT @A_single_bear: I ended my day by tasting myself. I chewed on my paws for awhile. I am salty and tough. I was not a pleasant dining expe…
@powerllama Not "Still?".
I'm saying "Still surprised that we haven't seen them in action, despite the no-fly zone."
@powerllama Still.
I’m surprised that I haven’t seen any aerial drone footage of any of the #Fergsuon protests?
RT @harikondabolu: To those who responded to last night's public response in #Ferguson by asking "What would Martin Luther King say?" http:…
Remember when Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize?
RT @Isabelwilkerson: Every 4 days an Af-Am was lynched during Jim Crow era. Every 3 days an Af-Am killed by police today. http://t.co/kkXsg…
What will be the Spanish Civil War of the next world war?
@olivierlacan @kneath Darren Wilson was not elected.