RT @OhMyCorgi: Extreme sleeping position http://t.co/7qv2lTlUg9
If you run into pg + Yosemite issues, like I did, @btriley fixed mine for me. See this:
In reply to:@evanphx WOOHOO! That fixed it. Thanks for your tech support, Captain Tech Support Pants!
In reply to:@evanphx Trying now. Please hold.
/play hold music
In reply to:@evanphx http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25970132/pg-tblspc-missing-after-installation-of-os-x-yosemite-beta /via @btriley
In reply to:@evanphx Hmm.
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
FATAL: could not open directory "pg_tblspc": No such file or directory
In reply to:@evanphx Hmm. Neither "psql" nor "postgres" show up.
In reply to:@mik3cap So… you tweeted this from your first computer ever, right?
Postgres on Yosemite isn't working for me. Please halp.
In reply to:@rands Buy two 5k iMacs and run the second in display mode? :P
Yesterday I learned that The @Farmhouse's “barn” is actually a “carriage house”.
And that it’s 1 of only 5 left in Hollywood.Compiling Postgres, encrypting iPhone backup and Chrome + Flash still uses more CPU of the lot.
Abuse/abuser/abusive/bully/troll. These are not strong enough words when talking about nazis and fascists.
In reply to:@awnuhkuh You think this has something to do with poop, don't you? You been hanging out with @eliduke or something?
In reply to:@awnuhkuh Someone left a box of it in my house months ago. Now I'm eating it. Sue me.