@lindseybieda or common fucking sense.
In reply to:In reply to:
@lindseybieda obvi
In reply to:@plain_lo the real cat woman
Her bio says "animal lover" and her profile picture is of her deep sea fishing.
Who's got strong web type game that can help me debug a thing that works locally but not on Heroku?
RT @schfrrn: #futurerelic or #artifactfromthefuture http://t.co/aMOOe7ZaP9
RT @okaytype: According to this article from June, Apple has only had two women present during a keynote. Ever. http://readwrite.com/2014/06/04/apple-women-wwdc-keynote
In reply to:@drbrain sign me up for that monthly newsletter!
A new kind of cloud!
I think it's fucking *terrifying* that Lockheed Martin, LOCKHEED MARTIN, is working on nuclear fusion.
In reply to:@idahoev 👍
In reply to:@gregorlove Thanks!
In reply to:@idahoev Thanks
Vertically centering something with CSS. Still totally garbage or have we solved that yet?
In reply to:@drsteidel Thanks. But I've since found the person I was looking for.