Even if @dropbox wasn't hacked, it's still a good idea to enable two-factor auth.
Nouning verbs and verbing nouns.
There is land war in Euraisa.
@gruber If you did a weekly sport only podcast, I would listen to that too.
@ThisIsMyJam Any plans to make a "Make this my jam" extension for Safari?
That time @matesofstate played at #FarmhouseConf5.
In reply to:@jessicahische @matesofstate You only make some minimal cameos.
In reply to:@waxpancake Filed up L for Lessons Learned from organizing #FarmhouseConf.
In reply to:@waxpancake Right!?
In reply to:@waxpancake I cold-tweeted them about playing #FarmhouseConf2. They said yes. And came back for #FarmhouseConf5. They're real sweet people.
In reply to:@waxpancake I played Proofs over and over on repeat in QuickTime player on my iMac HD in 2001. SO GOOD.
“What the Devil Don't Know Won't Hurt Him” by Madeline (@madelinefuhrman) is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_93ak60q
In reply to:@jessicahische I just re-watched that #FarmhouseConf5 of @matesofstate and you were so happy on the side watching them. :D
RT @extinctsymbol: The shocking extent of plastic pollution in Hawaii: http://www.allvoices.com/article/100000768 http://t.co/HEiy6ASaBm
RT @thelancearthur: New favorite cosplay character: “Every Johnny Depp” http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--NpJQoRDS--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/qc2ruapd9nb2sixbgrbm.jpg