1. <p>I found this buried on an old hard drive. Boing! is a house in Salt Lake City. It's cast has changed a lot over the years (like the Bike house). At the time that this was written (~2005), the group was trying to make the house a little more of a community resource and less of a group of kids living cheaply.</p>
    <h3>The Boing! Collective</h3>
    <h4>Mission Statement, an introduction</h4>
    <p>The Boing! Anarchist Collective exists for the purpose of providing / reviving a sense of openness and community for those who may feel disenchanted or alienated from the society in which we live. We are here to spread political awareness, hopefully leading to action in some way or another, and to show that there is another way to live outside of the impersonal and destructive (on so many levels) system that has been marketed to us from every angle since the day we were born.</p>
    <p>We are an open household of tightly knit friends who are dedicated to the all-encompassing struggle that a long history of fear and exploitation has and will continue to ensure we all experience. As such, we have given up many small personal comforts in order to provide comfort for anyone seeking it. We are open from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm everyday and have many community resources that we encourage all to take advantage of, regardless of race, gender, political belief, sexuality, religion, class affiliation and lifestyle choice.</p>
    <p>These include:</p>
      <li>Complimentary internet access.</li>
      <li>A large lending library (which we hope will become larger).</li>
      <li>Political videos and dvd's, some available for sale, all to be borrowed.</li>
      <li>A large zine collection.</li>
      <li>Media for sale at no profit to us, that are otherwise hard to get.</li>
      <li>A group meeting area (must be arranged in advance).</li>
      <li>Food Not Bombs, every Sunday at 2:00 pm.</li>
      <li>Cafe (A)narchista, taking place every Saturday at 3:00 pm; including free food, skillsharing and fun.</li>
      <li>A comfortable place to hang out, talk and just be yourself.</li>
    <p>We would like to provide a more comfortable arrangement and more resources in the future. As for now, we simply want you to be aware that we are here, and we want you to take advantage of that fact. Come be a part of something inspiring, participate in what inspires you.</p>
    <p>I traveled six thousand miles to trick out a Wordpress blog.</p>
    <p>I met him on my night here. He has a little short leg weiner dog named <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/xignaciox/3258594715/">Flo</a>. He's vegetarian and straightedge. The same age as me, a flight attendant, married to <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/3261510173/">Patti</a> and is an amazing photographer. His name is Ignacio Galvez.</p>
    <p>I built him a <a href="http://ignaciogalvez.com/">new website</a>. It was inspired by my old friend from Atlanta Matt Miller's photo site, <a href="http://www.thefivemilegrace.com/photoblog/">The Five Mile Grace</a> and Boston.com's <a href="http://boston.com/bigpicture/">Big Picture</a> (seriously, the best thing evar, do subscribe).</p>
    <p>The goal was simple design, intense content. (yes, that's <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;client=safari&amp;rls=en-us&amp;q=simple+design%2C+intense+content+edward+tufte&amp;btnG=Search">Tufte</a>). We both agreed that most photo site totally fail. Too often the focus is on the site design and not the photos. We set out to turn that table around.</p>
    <p>I'm pretty happy with it. He is, too. Please do check it out. If you are in need of a photographer, you should really consider hiring him. He's aces in my book. His <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/xignaciox/">flickr</a>, <a href="http://twitter.com/xignaciox">twitter</a> and, of course, the new and improved photo portfolio site: <a href="http://ignaciogalvez.com/">ignaciogalvez.com</a>.</p>