Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>anyone is welcome to run with this and claim it as their own. (intellectual property is theft, too. right?)</p>
<p>make lane lines on roads using solar powered LEDs.</p>
<p>seriously, i would love this.</p>
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>anyone is welcome to run with this and claim it as their own. (intellectual property is theft, too. right?)</p>
<p>make lane lines on roads using solar powered LEDs.</p>
<p>seriously, i would love this.</p>
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>i did this painting over xmas time while i was in boulder, co. i was planning on adding a picture to it, but that picture has disappeared. so i think it's finished now.</p>
<p><a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" alt="colorsPainting.jpg"></a></p>
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>netscape navigator/communicator vs. microsoft internet explorer browser v1 was like the viet nam war. ie being the u.s. and netscape being the viet cong. ie vs firefox (specifically, but mozilla in general) is like the current global guerrilla resistantance (specifically in the form of 'iraqi insurgents' but broader than just in iraq).</p>
<p>browser war v1 and the viet nam war had a clear singular centralized enemy/target/other side/whatever. even if their tactics were different they could still be treated as A unit.</p>
<p>browser war v2 and iraqi insurgence are a loosely coupled network. they are not a conventional enemy/target/other side/whatever. where as microsoft and the u.s. still think the old way. their dinosaurs. and the slowly going the way of the american buffalo (to mix metaphors).</p>
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>my email addy is gyromx [at] mindspring [dot] com</p>
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>this time to salt lake city. 2 years ago i would've never even considered visiting or passing through. but i met a few really great kids. who have a great home. now i love going through there. and i can't wait to live there with them. and i can't wait to get out of this god forsaken place.</p>