RT @susie_c: My illustrated feature about California drought, rural identity, & life after water is @Longreads today. http://blog.longreads.com/2015/06/02/after-water/
In reply to:
That quote is from “After Water” by @susie_c.
Go read it.
“…draining lakes until they were craters, moving rivers of water until all the fish died, drilling out the aquifers until the land sank.”
“… the Roombas just walk right up to it, do a little curtsey, and go around.”
From: Hello and Goodbye in Portuguese
Is #rooftopthecat an American Shorthair or a Domestic Shorthair?
In reply to:@coketweet Or burn it to the ground.
In reply to:@postmodern_mod3 You misunderstand. I'm getting rid of my mic (and everything). Not getting more stuff.
Anyone want to buy my Yeti podcasting mic?
#rooftopthecat after a long hard day of helping. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3mfOswsnqS/
#rooftopthecat helping with the packing. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3mfCJTsnpv/
#rooftopthecat helping with the #FarmhouseDemoDays denailing. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3mezLZMnpX/
#rooftopthecat belong with #FarmhouseDemoDays. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3mei5nsnoz/
#rooftopthecat helping with the moving sale. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3meRfyMnoI/
#rooftopthecat staring patiently though the front door. Just in case. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3meH71snnx/
This is my dining room sans one dining room table. @ The Farmhouse https://instagram.com/p/3mdwPxMnnF/