RT @A_single_bear: The sun is out but it is not very warm today. This is somewhat confusing. I am a bear.
RT @n8duke: 11 and a half hours left! Let's do this! My #NES collection is for sale on #eBay. Get the word out. http://tinyurl.com/nqe63cz #Nin…
The back off barn kinda looks like Mater from Cars. #iseefaces @ The Farmhouse http://instagram.com/p/yQCAvvsnki/
I just called #rooftopthecat “Toppy McRoofRoof”.
These glitch speed runs are so insane.
/cc @n8duke
BuzzFeed’s response about quoteunquote feminism quoteunquote is pretty brilliant.
Put a bird on it.
#madewithjuju http://instagram.com/p/yOLBtdsntE/
#madewithjuju http://instagram.com/p/yNuH9lsnty/
In reply to:@pete_higgins Precious.
@topfunky I'd love to see a Play by Play with @gruber
Silo subdomains are part of the problem.
In reply to:@tenderlove I miss them so.
Remember Blackberry?
RT @n8duke: Home stretch, y'all! My #NES collection is for sale on #eBay. http://tinyurl.com/nqe63cz #Nintendo
“Why not JSON?”
/by @aaronpk