1. <p>this is brooke and bookis at the theatre when we went to see <a href="http://imdb.com/title/tt0401792/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxsbT01MDB8dHQ9b258ZmI9dXxwbj0wfHE9c2luIGNpdHl8aHRtbD0xfG5tPW9u;fc=1;ft=21;fm=1">sin city</a>.</p>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153384295/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/45/153384295_2509ef8549.jpg" alt="brook and bookis.jpg"></a>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Mood 4 Luv</em> by Reggie &amp; The Full Effect.</p>
    <p>here's my dog, <a href="http://theresistancearmy.com/civ/">civ</a>, with carrie's dogs lucy and meetra at the tanner dog park in salt lake city. i can't wait til this is the kind of world that we live in. a world dogs (and all animals, human and non-human) can roam freely without worry of being hit by a car.</p>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153383974/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/47/153383974_084d4fb0f6.jpg" alt="dogs at the dog park.jpg"></a>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Your Bleedin' Heart</em> by Reggie &amp; The Full Effect.</p>
    <p>saw this by the boing! house the other day. non-destructive temporary graffiti.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153383428/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/45/153383428_cdb48c1253.jpg" alt="temp graf.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Your Bleedin' Heart</em> by Reggie &amp; The Full Effect.</p>
    <p>my housemate has these hanging up in his room. i think they're pretty.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153389421/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/78/153389421_707a6d7446.jpg" alt="ABCs and 123s"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Untitled</em> by By the Grace of God.</p>
    <p>i've been eating a lot of date rolls with coconut and <a href="http://odwalla.com/flavor/ensemble.html#mango">mango tango</a><a href="http://odwalla.com/"> odwalla</a> smoothie for a lot of snackin' meals lately. especially breakfast.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153381928/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/78/153381928_f1007075f7.jpg" alt="breakfast of choice"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Dream</em> by Dizzee Rascal.</p>
    <p>salt lake city has one heckafied bomb ass rap song of a bike collective. a bunch of my friends help out with it building / fixing bikes for friends and strangers alike.</p>
      <a href="http://www.slcbikecollective.org/">their webba site</a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153382058/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/49/153382058_24d00ebe4d.jpg" alt="slc bike collective"></a>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>rape culture 101</em> by harper's ferry arsneal.</p>
    <blockquote><p><a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/6901">Discipline, Simplicity, and Feedback in System Administration</a>: "Programmers communicate through code.  Operations people communicate through their procedures and documentation.
    If you take the idea that programming makes blueprints and compiling and deploying builds houses, the equivalent in the administrative world to programming is the design of systems and processes.  (This paragraph is my idea, not necessarily Andrew's.)"</p></blockquote>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Sink, Florida, Sink</em> by Against Me!.</p>
    <p>here are pictures from my world at the bikehouse . the first three were taken by my homeboy / roomie, gary. he's radtackular.</p>
    <p>bikehouse from the ground at night in the fall / winter.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153382394/"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/69/153382394_27b5ae6f06.jpg" alt="bike house from the ground.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>street from our porch. with the old version of the bike fence. look at that gorgeous trail of light from some passing car. wowsers.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153382648/"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/73/153382648_74576ef658.jpg" alt="bike house yard and fence at night in winter.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>another picture of the street and sidewalk from right next to the old bike fence. we've (mainly gary, actually) built a new one that i'll post pictures of soon.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153382796/"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/67/153382796_7a18aa7b6e.jpg" alt="our street (600 s) in salt lake city at night from our front wall - bike fence"></a></p>
    <p>so sometimes i think the bike house is a self full-filling prophecy .see, we all have a lot of bikes. and we build things out of bikes. and we ride bikes. and our house is named "the bike house". so consequently, people are always giving us more bikes. random people will just come up to our porch and say "do you want my kid's old bike, it's too small for them now."</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153382188/"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/56/153382188_fa0d709b53.jpg" alt="bike house bike pile"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Extra Track</em> by Against Me!.</p>
    <p>speaking of <a href="http://quicksilver.blacktree.com/">quicksilver</a>, its startup splashy thing is well heckafied gorgeous ligature.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153384904/" title="qs ligature.jpg by veganstraightedge, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/77/153384904_5a05482dd0_o.jpg" alt="qs ligature.jpg"></a></p>
      <p><a href="http://daringfireball.net/2005/04/adobe_translation">Daring Fireball: Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe's 'FAQ' Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia</a></p>
    <p>freakin hilarious.</p>
      <p><a href="http://www.tuaw.com/2005/04/15/trent-reznor-rules/">The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) : Trent Reznor Rules</a></p>
    <p>in case you haven't heard by now, trent reznor has provided NIN's latest single as a <a href="http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/">garage band 2</a> project for download so you and me and anyone can remix his music without having to hack it apart first. </p>

    that. is. so. freakin. hott.

    <p>i've been wanting this to happen for quite some time. some friends and i talked about doing this with our video projects, including the source clips and maybe the <a href="http://www.apple.com/finalcutstudio/finalcutpro/">FCP</a> project so that people could remix them if they wanted to. </p>
    <p>we'll see how long it takes for this to catch on. true open source media. source included, not just free of license.</p>
    <p>another issue i have with <a href="http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/beta.php">netnewswire 2.0</a> is the downloads. it's one of those good and bad features. you can only have 2 downloads going at one time. the rest are 'pending', then load up as the current ones finish up. i'm sure this makes most sense for most situations. i just wish i could override that setting and say lemme download say 5 or 10 downloads at once. now let me say this, i understand the design challenge of having prefs that are user configurable and still having a clean intuitive UI. but maybe it could be a pref that i could set only via the command line, so as to keep it out of the prefs window.</p>
    <p>brent, is this possible?</p>
            The number of downloads you can have going at the same time is not currently configurable in NetNewsWire 2.0. That is a preference we plan to add in a future version.
    <div style="background:pink;padding:10px 20px;">
      <p>The Sultan is omnipotent in his desert because he controls the water supply. He rations it strictly: for women, a teaspoon a day; for great, stout men, a tablespoon; for infants and elders, a thimble-full.  No one dares protest, for to drink any less would be fatal. Priests baptize babies with spit from their droughted mouths; wives collect the sweat off their husbands' brows to bathe in. The subjects make do as best they can, and take great pain not to displease their ruler.</p>
      <p>One day, an incredibly beautiful maiden appears from far away. She is the Sultan's new wife, fresh from the monsoon country. Her long, black hair flows and ripples like a river; her voice is the song of a laughing brook; looking into her dark eyes, one finds oneself floating in a summer sea. The very air around her drips nectar.</p>
      <p>The Sultan's stable boy falls in love with her. He languishes for months, living only for the rustle of her skirts, the glimpse of her moist skin. Unbeknownst to him, she too is watching him -- she likes his faraway air, his shy seriousness, the depth of feeling in his knitted brow. One morning, while the Sultan and his henchmen are away on business, the stable boy sneaks into her chamber. She is bathing in a magnificent pool.</p>

    The poor boy stands mute before her. All he has longed for his whole life, the years of parched throat, cracked lips arid isolation, is personified in her -- and he is a simple stable boy, intruding upon her. In the recklessness of desperation, he opens his mouth: a torrent of adoration pours out. It becomes a deluge; then, a psalm. She is moved; it has been a long time since has spoken to her honestly, let alone beautifully, in this barren land. She tells him to come to her after sundown.

      <p>That night, after everyone else is asleep and the moon is high in the clear sky, the stable boy leaves his tent and creeps to the tower in which the Sultan keeps his wife. The door is locked, and soldiers stand guard inside, so the boy scales the dry brick of the wall to her window. She opens it and helps him in. Hours later, the Sultan is awakened by sounds of passion from his young wife's bedchamber.</p>
      <p>His soldiers stamp up, but it is too late. From their lovemaking flows a river so deep and so wide that all the Sultan's horses and men are unable to cross it to punish the enraptured couple. In a a rage, the Sultan orders that a mountain of dust be piled up so that his subjects will not see the new body of water. It is done, and none of them do; but the hot sun shines overhead, and soon the gypsies in the countryside are crooning a new folk song: <em>you can outlaw the rain</em>, they sing, <em>but we all see the clouds are gathering</em>.</p>
    <p style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/2204694788/" title="crimethinc boat logo by veganstraightedge, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2134/2204694788_13980c7aa9_m.jpg" alt="crimethinc boat logo"></a></p>
    <p>UPDATE: we never did anything with this. oops.</p>
    <p>me and <a href="http://elisfanclub.com/">my homeboy, eli,</a> are having a discussion about a book called <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0871138883/qid=1113868658/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-9832324-6863312?v=glance&amp;s=books&amp;n=507846">the long emergency</a> over at <a href="http://theresistancearmy.com/crash/">http://theresistancearmy.com/crash/</a>.</p>
    <p>that's the new shortcut to switch right between tabs in <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/safari/">safari 1.3</a> that gets installed with <a href="http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/macosxcombinedupdate1039.html">mac os x 10.3.9</a>. command shift [ being the shortcut to switch left. it used to be the left and right arrows instead of the curly braces. so all i can imagine is that they're using command shift left/right arrow somewhere else that was conflicting in <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/">mac os x 10.4 tiger</a> (that's a mouthful). or they are trying to standardize the shortcut for switching between tabs in apps <a href="http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/">since so</a> <a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/">many</a> <a href="http://www.panic.com/transmit/">apps</a> <a href="http://macromates.com/">are</a> <a href="http://iterm.sourceforge.net/">using</a> <a href="http://www.adiumx.com/">them</a> <a href="http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/">these</a> <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/">days</a>. presumably, they'll changed the <a href="http://developer.apple.com/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGIntro/chapter_1_section_1.html">HIG</a> to reflect this, if the latter is the case.</p>
    <p>i just picked up today <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0871138883/102-9832324-6863312?v=glance">the long emergency</a> by James Howard Kunstler. i asked about it at the bookstore and they had to go check the back. and apparently, they just received 10 minutes prior. awesome.</p>
    <p>it seems like it's similarish to power down, by richard heinberg. these days i can't think about much else besides the impending crash(es).</p>
    <p>for a preview of it, <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/_/id/7203633?rnd=1113695712365&amp;has-player=unknown">see the article he wrote</a> for rolling stone magazine based on the book.</p>
    <p><img src="http://ranchero.com/images/marsedit/marseditIconLarge.png" alt="marsedit icon"></p>
      in <a href="http://ranchero.com/marsedit/">marsedit</a> (made by <a href="http://ranchero.com/">ranchero software</a>) you can insert HTML tags using keyboard shortcuts. some of which are preset, some you can set yourself. you can also, add your own html tags and optionally keyboard shortcuts for them.
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153385662/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/64/153385662_0eb06839be_o.jpg" alt="marsedit toolbar.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>i've made custom tags for <code>&lt;p&gt;, &lt;ul&gt; / &lt;li&gt;, &lt;dd&gt; / &lt;dt&gt;, and &lt;img&gt;</code>. which i love and use all the time. but my beef is with my <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> tag setup. the thing is marsedit has this really cool functionality when dealing with links which gave me the idea for this <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> thing.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153385668/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/48/153385668_85b5534a84_o.jpg" alt="paste link.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>see? you can add a new link on some text and it will allow you to type it in, or you can add a new link to some selected text with the contents of the clipboard. i want to be able to do that with images. but when you create a custom tag, you can specify its opening text and, optionally, its closing text. but no other data or context.</p>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153385651/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/66/153385651_39eb954d68_o.jpg" alt="custom tags"></a>
    <p>that i'm aware of.</p>
    <p>i would like to be able to do something like you can when modifying your preview template. </p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153385678/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/75/153385678_564b9c5a08_o.jpg" alt="preview template.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>i wish i could insert <code>#CLIPBOARD#</code> into my custom tag and have it automagically appear when i insert said tag.</p>
    <p><a href="http://inessential.com/">brent simmons</a>, i'm looking at you.</p>
    <p>ps. this is partially, an experiment in lazy web. to see if i can resolve this without directly emailing anyone or going to any boards.</p>
    <p>pps. and, yes, i recognize the irony in writing a post about a feature request where i have to do it 5 times the hard way. very funny.</p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>definitions</em> by blackstar.</p>
            Well, actually, you can do that stuff in ecto. It takes %@ as the wildcard for the clipboard and applies the tag to the clipboard. If you need the selected text twice use the %* as the wildcard for the selected text. Maybe MarsEdit'll have that in a next version.
            Good thinking. We do plan to add #clipboard# support in the next version of MarsEdit.
            We'll be adding support for #CLIPBOARD# in a future version of MarsEdit.
    <p>when my friend, gary, was in town we went up to bernal heights hill / dogpark (which i've mentioned in a <a href="https://veganstraightedge.wordpress.com/articles/2005/04/13/3/i-heart-kelly/">couple previous posts</a>). one of the times we went was at night. and sf never looked so pretty as it did from up there at night. gary got a really great picture of it on a slow exposure. so the picture looks a lot more lit up than it actually was up then. but still gorg. i have more photos from up top bernal. more to come later. </p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153386822/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/54/153386822_1f90f5cf18.jpg" alt="sf at night from bernal heights hill (dogpark)"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious</em> by Against Me!.</p>
    <p>i drew this panda head real quick while i was boulder, co this past winter visiting my <a href="http://kelly.todayspodcast.com">kelly</a>. kelly's favourite animal when she was youngster was pandas. so she had a poster up in her childhood room still. so that's that. i like pandas, too. i'd like to be buddies with one.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153386189/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/48/153386189_9f19ade3dd_m.jpg" alt="panda drawing i did real quick in boulder.jpg"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>the shining</em> by Badly drawn boy.</p>
    <p>me and my homeboy matt and some girl whom i've later learned is andrea. i see her an her friend heather around a lot. this was at a party at this kid jeff's house. this was, actually, before i moved here to the SLC. there was an insane number of people at this thing. i knew like 3 of them. and i went with those 3. cops would later come and break it up for noise or something. like cops always do. but i liked this picture of me and him. he knows magic. or he's a superhero or something. but he's always talking about raising his magic.</p>

    me matt and andrea at jeff's party

    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>Lose My Breath</em> by Destiny's Child.</p>

    yes, destiny's child.

    <p>there's this <a href="http://826valencia.org/store/">pirate supply shop</a> in sf. honest to goodness pirate supplies. including a giant vat or lard. its a front for <a href="http://826valencia.org/">a writing center</a>. more about it on <a href="http://826valencia.org/about/">their site</a>.</p>
    <p>the appearance of me having a pointing goatee is just an illusion. i have never, nor will never ever have a goatee. nor soul patch.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153386505/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/65/153386505_284f1d52f2.jpg" alt="me at the pirate shop (826 valencia) in sf - goatee is an illusion"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>by no means</em> by Volcano, i'm still excited!.</p>
    <p>i stumbled across these awhile ago. i meant to send them to kelly, but didn't. so here they are. it's a good looking set. it's available for free download over at <a href="http://www.iconfactory.com/preview.asp?type=search&amp;id=236&amp;query=ipod%2C+therefore+i+am">the iconfactory</a>.</p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153384737/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/44/153384737_2eab8c7d90_m.jpg" alt="ipod Icons"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i wrote this post: <em>above the clouds [featuring inspectah deck]</em> by Gang Starr.</p>
    <p>my best friend, n8 duke, sent me a surprise package in the mail the other day. it was a simple package. contents: one mix cd. one chocolate chip chocolate cookie (no, that's not a typo) from <a href="http://www.bostoncookies.com/">boston cookies</a> (which is in the running for ugliest website ever.).</p>
      <li>01.  Frogger theme</li>
      <li>02.  A Life Once Lost - Maudlin</li>
      <li>03.  Frou Four - Let Go</li>
      <li>04.  Charlotte Hatherley - Bastardo</li>
      <li>05.  Terror - One With the Under Dogs</li>
      <li>06.  Old Timey Homestar</li>
      <li>07.  Dizzee Rascal - Learn</li>
      <li>08.  Perez Prado - Mambo #8</li>
      <li>09.  It Dies Today - Severed Ties Yield Severed Heads</li>
      <li>10.  Busdriver - Kev's Blistering Computer Tan And Driver's Rapper's Rapper Moniker</li>
      <li>11.  Teen Idols - Been So Far</li>
      <li>12.  Dizzee Rascal - Dream</li>
      <li>13.  Smoke Or Fire - California's Burning</li>
      <li>14.  Carl Stalling - Flea-Ridden Sheep Dog (1949)</li>
      <li>15.  Scribe - Dreaming</li>
      <li>16.  Teen Idols - How Long</li>
      <li>17.  He Who Corrupts - One...Million Dollars</li>
      <li>18.  Weird Al Yankovic - Polka Your Eyes Out</li>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i made this post: <em>apistat commander</em> by Xiu xiu.</p>
    <p>the new header image is gary's hand holding a cardboard lightning bolt that he was gonna use on the back of the 'captain resistance' shirts he made a while back. captain resistance was me as <a href="http://veganstraightedge.com/articles/2004/11/2/1/all-hallows-eve-in-sf-2k4/">a little kid's version of a superhero on halloween</a>. he made them without telling and they were all wearing them in front of me for like 3 days before i noticed. even then someone had to explain the whole dealy. </p>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/153388267/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/52/153388267_8bce0a8520_t.jpg" alt="garys fist holding a cardboard lightning bolt with theresistancearmy.com written on it"></a></p>
    <p>Song playing in iTunes while i made this post: <em>words of love</em> by Buddy holly.</p>